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Gość: v08rSmFsG3f
135 miesięcy temu

Hey John,Thank you so much for sharing these Black Belt tips. I love the ieagms you have chosen too! It is helpful that you have Mark's teaching scripted here. It can certainly help the potential partner to seriously face the reality of having to makea decision. A decision to choose between staying status quo OR MAKING the time for change. Tim Sales' encouraging words to existing distributors is that We all have 24 hours a day, you just have to do it. Of course we cannot say those words directly to the people who have not joined our organization yet. Ray's reply is a powerful one! I have yet to implement this. Thanks, John.My experience tells me that the coming up of that question means that the potential partner has not seen enough value yet. I find telling story to be powerful. I would say something like, I can hear that you are concerned about if you have enough time to do this. Let me share Tommy's story with you. Tommy started his business when .. (go on to tell Tommy's story which is similar to my potential partner's). How do you see yourself starting to earn that extra income to supplement your retirement (or whatever the person has shared with us earlier)? Like Ray's reply, the question serves as a wonderful tool to get the potential partner thinking his/her goals.Thank you for your awesome tips and generous sharing, John.Viola TamViola Tam recently posted..

Gość: Hey John,Thank you so much for sharing these Black Belt tips. I love the ieagms you have chosen too! It is helpful that you have Mark's teaching scripted here. It can certainly help the potential partner to seriously face the reality of having to makea decision. A decision to choose between staying status quo OR MAKING the time for change. Tim Sales' encouraging words to existing distributors is that We all have 24 hours a day, you just have to do it. Of course we cannot say those words directly to the people who have not joined our organization yet. Ray's reply is a powerful one! I have yet to implement this. Thanks, John.My experience tells me that the coming up of that question means that the potential partner has not seen enough value yet. I find telling story to be powerful. I would say something like, I can hear that you are concerned about if you have enough time to do this. Let me share Tommy's story with you. Tommy started his business when .. (go on to tell Tommy's story which is similar to my potential partner's). How do you see yourself starting to earn that extra income to supplement your retirement (or whatever the person has shared with us earlier)? Like Ray's reply, the question serves as a wonderful tool to get the potential partner thinking his/her goals.Thank you for your awesome tips and generous sharing, John.Viola TamViola Tam recently posted..

135 miesięcy temu

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